Thursday, October 04, 2007

Springsteen's - the Looney Lefts Rock Hero

In an interview for CBS-TV, Rocker Bruce Springsteen said this "I think we've seen things happen over the past six years that I don't think anybody ever thought they'd ever see in the United States." "When people think of the Unites States' identity, they don't think of torture. They don't think of illegal wiretapping. They don't think of voter suppression..."

Well, well well Mr. Springsteen. Let's take a look at each of these shall we?
1. Torture - what qualifies as torture? Naked men in a pyramid or hacking limbs/heads off. Cornering a man in his jail cell with a dog or hanging people upside down and beating the soles of their feet until they bleed? The formers were used by US guards, the latter by Al Qaida and the Taliban against captured US soldiers and citizens. I'm sorry Mr. Bruce but making men stand naked doesn't qualify as torture. Intimidation? Yes. Torture? No. Nobody has died at Guantanamo Bay, nobody was killed at Abu Ghraib. And they say Rush Limbaugh degrades the view of the troops. Mr. Bruce is essentially calling US soldiers torturers and murderers. Nice isn't it?

2. Illegal Wiretapping - On whom may I ask? Name me ONE private, innocent citizen that was illegally tapped and their lives disrupted or damaged by it Mr. Bruce. Listening in on phone conversations between suspected terrorists here and abroad does NOT infringe on the rights of Mr. Q Public here in the US. I have no fear the govt. is monitering my conversations or tapping my internet use. I'm just Mr. Joe Schmo who goes to work, pays his taxes and stays out of trouble. They're not interested in me so I have no fear of my govt. So tell me, we're supposed to give up avenues we have to stopping terror plots BEFORE they happen right? The recent terror plot in the Netherlands was stopped by just that - listening in on conversations and communications of suspected terrorists. It works Mr. Bruce. It works - so therefore we have to stop doing it because some people are overly paranoid? Paranoid about their govt because they've listened to people like you spread this illusion? Wow. The Bush Administration has been accused by the Left of not "connecting the dots" before Sept. 11, 2001. Now we are using every possible way to do just that and people like Mr. Springsteen think it's wrong because there's the "possibility" an innocent citizen could be monitored by mistake. The prisons are full of "innocent" people too Bruce. The govt. would have no reason to tap your phone or internet if you didn't give them reason too. If you stay out of trouble and you can rest easy. I am scratching my head in disbelief on this one.

3. Voter Suppression - Oh this is rich. If there's ONE political party that goes out of it's way to suppress or intimidate voters it's the Democrats. Shall we revisit the attempt by the Democrats to NOT COUNT the votes of the US military in the 2000 Presidential election? Shall we name the countless times Democrats have refused to make laws requiring voters to show a photo ID to vote? Shall we name the times a Democrat candidate was caught attempting to fix and election (i.e 1960 Primary in Chicago). The Democrats are the ONLY party that has the illegal immigrant, imprisoned felon and the dead vote for their candidates. All that and they still can't get over 50% of the vote in any major election. Astounding.

Shameless ignorance and denial of facts is the calling card of Democrat voters and liberals like Mr. Springsteen. They make political debate so much fun. They're not wrong on just some issues - they're wrong on basically every issue.

It's astounding to me that people actually think this way. It must suck to be that miserable.

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