Monday, October 08, 2007

Obama Almighty

Senator Barack Obama, addressing an Evangelical Church, Sunday Oct. 7, 2007:

"Sometimes this is a difficult road being in politics, sometimes you can become fearful, sometimes you can become vain, sometimes you can seek power just for power's sake instead of because you want to do service to God. I just want all of you to pray that I can be an instrument of God in the same way that Pastor Ron and all of you are instruments of God."

He finished his brief remarks by saying, "We're going to keep on praising together. I am confident that we can create a Kingdom right here on Earth."


well, how thoughtful of you "Senator with a Muslim name". Has anyone else thought that if you took his remarks, put them in Osama Bin Ladin's mouth it wouldn't sound unnatural? I mean with a few alterations for the sake of differences of faith reasons it would read something like this;

Osama Bin Ladin addressing a mosque Sunday, Oct. 7th, 2007:
"Sometimes this is a difficult road being in terrorism, sometimes you can become fearful, sometimes you can become vain, sometimes you can seek power just for power's sake instead of because you want to do service to God. I just want all of you to pray that I can be an instrument of God in the same way that I and all of you are instruments of God."

He finished his brief remarks by saying, "We're going to keep on praising together. I am confident that we can create a Kingdom right here on Earth."


Scary isn't it? The left screamed bloody murder whenever George Bush mentioned his faith in speeches or press Q&A. They would come down on him like some holier than thou Christian who is doing everything in God's name. What is the difference in what Obama said? His faith in God seems just as, if not stronger, than George Bush's. I wonder if that will be addressed by the Liberal media? Hmm?? Will they poke and prod him on abortion, stem cell research, teenage promiscuity, homosexuality? Somehow I think not.

What I love about his comment is that it plays right out of the Liberal's utopian vision of the future. "Kingdom right here on Earth". Even George Bush never that far with a religious statement. To him it's a personal issue. he NEVER wore it on his sleeve. But of course this is also right out of the Democrat handbook - "Pander to your base, as much as possible no matter how much it may even be against your own personal beliefs. Win at all costs".

Hillary doesn't even go this far I'll give her that - she just panders with fake accents and empty promises of "womb to the tomb" govt. care.


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