Monday, January 29, 2007

Hillary Answered 1 Question

Well, so Hillary was asked what qualifies her to deal with a world full of evil men. Her answer? A joke about her husband Bill's marriage infidelity.


Ok, so let me get this straight...being too stupid or too blind to your husband's constant philandering and lying - for decades - qualifies you to deal with murderous dictators? I'm sorry if I missed something here but how does one equate to the other? How does having your head so far up your butt that you either can't see what's happening in your own home or that you are too driven by political ambition that you will overlook such behavior make you a good war time President?

Hillary is "supposed" to be the smartest woman on the planet according to some democrats and liberals but somehow missed the boat about her husband.

For 8 years her husband Bill didn't have the stomach for waging war with our enemies, so how will she be any different?

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