Monday, January 29, 2007

Past Time for a Woman President?

DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton drew big crowds and loud cheers on Saturday during her first visit to Iowa as a presidential contender, defending her votes on Iraq and saying it was "about time" for a woman president.

"It's about time, if not past time, we had a woman president," she told an enthusiastic and overflow crowd of 1,500 Iowa Democrats jammed into a high school gymnasium in Des Moines.
Reuters Jan. 28, 2006

Well, well, well so Hillary thinks it's past time for a woman President. Really? Let's see her answer these simple questions shall we?

1. How will you deal with evil men plotting to destroy our way of life?
2. How will you interact with leaders of countries whose religion tells them women are barely a step above a dog in the societal chain?
3. How could you possibly be taken seriously from above said leaders? What weight would your words carry with them?
4. With cold, calculating, patient, hard as stone terrorists plotting to attack US citizens anywhere in the world, do you really think we need a "Mom" leading us right now? Or are we better suited with a "Dad" who wields a large metal bat?

Winston Churchill was the perfect war time Prime Minister for the UK during WWII. He was strong, defiant and willing to defend his country no matter what the cost. But after the war was over, in peace time, the UK didn't need a man like him anymore and so he wasn't re-elected. He wasn't an appropriate peace time leader.

Ronald Reagan was the perfect President when we needed someone to defeat the USSR and end the cold war. Its that kind of determination and willingness to stand and fight - not negotiate - that we need today.

And so we come back to Hillary. How in the world does she think she could possibly be relevant in a VERY male dominated, terrorist climate? I'm not saying that in chauvinistic way. But with evil men plotting to destroy Western civilization we better, no, we
DESERVE a war time president. I don't think she has the guts. He husband certainly didn't. A woman's touch simply isn't appropriate now. There will be a time and a place for a woman President but given the current state of world affairs, I say let "Mom" sit this one out.

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