Thursday, April 19, 2007

Cho Seung-Hui & Political Correctness

I'm not going to say much here that hasn't been reported, posted or blogged about the Virginia Tech killings.

There was a major and serious mental problem with Cho Seung-Hui and every teacher and student who shared a class with him knew it. He scared the hell out of people, wrote hideous, hateful and violence ridden words, he stalked two fellow women students AND he was diagnosed as mentally ill - yet nothing was done to stop him

Are we fucking stupid or what?

How many warning bells have to go off before anybody will step out of the bounds of being "PC" and do something about people like this? When a young loner does nothing but speak of killing and murdering people, somewhere, somebody MUST take action regardless of the consequences to being politically correct. University Police refused to take action against Cho because his"freedom of speech" rights could be violated if they acted upon his violence ridden plays and essays. Huh?? WTF is that about? Freedom of speech? How about the right to live?

When someone exudes the textbook traits of a "killer in waiting" you should NEVER hesitate to take action - regardless if it will violate his 1st amendment rights. These are the signs people - they always have been. One brave professor saw the signs and tried to take action, but it fell on deaf ears. Where have we heard this before?

It used to be in this culture that doing what was right was more important than doing what easy especially if it appeared they might violate the rights of others. Who was protecting the rights of those killed to lead a decent life, the right to pursue the American dream, to raise a family, to love and cherish? Huh? Who was defending their right to live? No one. We've become such a society of wussies - afraid to offend anyone or anything. Afraid to do what's right before it's too late.

Here's a simple analogy: if I find a pit of rattlesnakes in my backyard near where my daughter usually plays, I'm not going to wait until they make a threatening move against her before I do something about them. As soon as I had found the snakes, they would be dead. End of story. Screw their right to survive. No calls to pest control or the ASPCA. They're dead. I'm not taking the chance with my daughter.

Why isn't this simple logic used in cases like this - cases when people see the warning signs, try to warn authorities. How many signs need to be there before action is taken to protect the lives of ordinary citizens? Someone please tell me.

This has happened over and over again in history - the Rev. Jim Jones, Jeffrey Dahmer, Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeigh, Branch Davidian leader David Koresh, Unabomber Ted Kazinski, Columbine killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, Osama Bin Laden and now Cho Seung-Hui. How many times?

I say again - are we fucking stupid?

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