Tuesday, December 27, 2005

re: 2005 Comes to a Close

With the Christmas holiday behind me and nothing to look forward to but the overly blown and ballyhooed New Years Eve celebration I offer this for the new year.

Things I predict we'll see again in 2006:
1. Democrats trying to find another President Bush scandal.
2. Iraq war bashing and calls for a pullout after 5 or more servicemen get killed..
3. Immensely untalented entertainers making tons of cash.
4. More Natural disasters.
5. Bono.
6. Another Woody Allen film no one will go and see - even though it's really good.
7. More great "American Idol auditions gone bad".
8. A stupid clothing fad.
9. A sixth year of the "KISS Farewell Tour".
10. Another great season of both "24" and "Lost".
11. Saddam Hussein found guilty.
12. People getting lazier.
13. The media going crazy over celebrity hook ups and break ups.
14. Terrorist attacks somewhere but not in the United States.
15. People will lose their jobs while others will be hired.
16. Celebrities doing and saying more stupid things.
17. Sports figures being paid far too much money to play
18. Gas prices rising and falling and people somehow being surprised by it.
19. Clay Aiken will manage to get even
more gay and bitchy.
20. "Saturday Night Live" will suck.

21. Mankind improving on everything but itself.

In other words, another year of the same old crap.
Have a Happy 2006.


Anonymous said...

Very lame post, dude. You might want to pull it and try again.

8daysawk said...

Lets just see how many I am correct on as the year progresses. I will reference this posting often when I am proven correct. So there...